音乐 therapy student playing guitar for a senior


Many people possess excellent music skills and training, and a passion for wanting to help others through music. They discover music therapy and are thrilled to finally find a career that seems to fit! 然而, until now they could not pursue the dream of becoming a music therapist unless they lived (or moved) near an institution that offered a music therapy program. 如果你是其中一员,请继续往下读.

Approved by the American 音乐疗法 Association, this music therapy equivalency distance (MTED) program gives you the opportunity to pursue study in the field of music therapy through brief residencies and online classes. SMWC很自豪能成为美国唯一的一所大学.S. that offers the equivalency program in this format. Although three brief residencies per year are required, you can complete a majority of your coursework through online classes and participate in clinical training near where you live.



  • Work on your music therapy training primarily from where you live.
  • Come to campus at least twice for a 3-day residency (Year One: Fall Year Two: Fall); do your coursework and clinical training for each semester during the following 16 weeks.
  • Participate in a 2-day virtual residency (Year One: Spring)
  • 夏季至少来一次为期5天的实习, and do your coursework and clinical training for that semester during the following 8 weeks.
  • Finish the program in approximately 2 years (including a six-month full-time internship).
  • 过渡到 音乐治疗文学硕士 研究生课程(如有需要).

If you have questions about the 音乐治疗等效距离 Program, 联络项目协调员 拉里萨麦克休.


The MTED program is open to individuals holding a bachelor’s degree in music. It is a highly competitive program with limited seating. Applicants are taken on a first come first serve basis.


  • Bachelor’s degree in music from an NASM (National Association of 学校 of 音乐) school
    • If the degree in music is from a school that is not accredited by NASM, students are required to complete a music entrance exam
  • 最少2人.平均绩点5分,4分.0规模
  • 普通心理学(C-或以上)
  • Proficiency on voice and at least one accompaniment instrument upon entry
  • Successful audition on major/primary instrument (2 pieces of contrasting nature)
  • Written personal essay (1 -2 pages) describing your interest in studying music therapy
  • Basic accompanying and vocal skills (piano and voice OR guitar and voice) on two songs
  • At least five MT-BCs in your geographic area (60-mile radius from your home)


  • 能够参加校园短期实习, twice in first year and at least once in the second year
  • 完成SMWC的辅助课程, or equivalent courses completed elsewhere (prior to or in conjunction with the MTED Program)
  • Specific technology including broadband internet connection, 网络摄像头, 带麦克风的耳机, 数字记录装置, 当前Microsoft Office软件, 和Skype账号
  • Successful completion of all proficiency examinations
  • Successful completion of all coursework and clinical training requirements (at least 1,200 clock hours of music therapy clinical training under the supervision of board-certified music therapists)
  • Participation in and adherence to an individual training plan developed with music therapy faculty. The ITP is a tool used to communicate expectations and outline the roles and responsibilities of the music therapy faculty and student.
4月1日 完成工作的截止日期 本科申请 并提交所有材料,包括试镜
5月31日 最后期限支付100美元 存款
6月30日 首次付款或 金融援助 application due and introductory webinar completed

If you have any additional questions about the application process, contact 拉里萨麦克休, MTED项目协调员.


试镜可以通过电子方式提交. Once your application is received you will receive instructions on how to submit either a MP3 recording or link to YouTube or Dropbox. 乐器演奏家, 钢琴家, and vocalists must perform two contrasting pieces with their primary instrument. In addition you should prepare two songs which demonstrate your ability to sing while accompanying yourself on piano or guitar. 面试的形式.



According to the American 音乐疗法 Association, music therapists assess a person’s “emotional well-being, 身体健康, 社会功能, 沟通能力, 以及通过音乐反应的认知能力". In addition, music therapists design music sessions based on client needs. 应用和技术可能包括:

  • 即兴演奏器乐或声乐的即兴演奏
  • 接受性音乐倾听
  • 写歌
  • 歌曲歌词讨论/分析
  • 音乐与意象
  • 音乐表演
  • 通过音乐学习
  • 音乐与动作
  • 音乐和其他表现艺术


A music therapist can work with a wide range of population and in a myriad of facilities. 音乐疗法适用于以下人群:

  • 发育障碍
  • 心理健康需要
  • 药物滥用问题
  • 身体残疾的
  • 慢性或晚期疾病
  • 阿尔茨海默病
  • 痴呆
  • 自闭症


A music therapist is trained to work in individual, 小组, 或大型团体设置在无数的设施, 包括:

  • 医疗医院
  • 学校
  • 养老院
  • 辅助生活设施
  • 精神设施/单位
  • 儿科单位
  • 康复单元
  • 私人住宅

Do I have to have a degree in music to be eligible for this program?

你的学位可以是学士、学士、工商管理硕士或工商管理硕士. The specific degree title can be any area of music. 例如:音乐教育学士学位. 音乐商业理学士. 音乐作曲硕士.

我有家庭和一份全职工作. 我能参加这个节目吗?
That depends on many factors including flexibility of your job, support from family and friends, etc. Most people in the program are working full- or part-time jobs while progressing through the program and many have family responsibilities as well.